Sunday, August 1, 2021

An Abundant Life - Beautiful Soul

Pamela Lubell is an Artist of so many different types of art that it is hard to think of how to write about her. I could talk about her film making, her producing, her videos, her photographs, or her mixed media pieces and sculptures, her paintings, found object creations and work with sustainability. There's also the evenings she puts together with music and friends and musicians, singing and playing and food and art, events she calls PamJams that bring together so much joy that it's nearly impossible to leave even when you know it's getting later and later and you have a long way home.

I met Pamela in 2019 at a gallery opening a friend invited me to that he was a part of. He had introduced me to the owners of the gallery and as I was speaking with them Pamela and her boyfriend James arrived with another friend and we were introduced. As I took photographs later on and I asked if I could photograph them, we started talking a bit, and when Pamela asked me what I did and I began to tell her about my many hats, she said, "And you're a nice person." I think perhaps that was the moment the friendship began, because I could tell she was a nice person and it's such a good feeling to have someone who is nice think that you're nice too.

It's a strange thing to say, but it sometimes feels like it's rare to meet people who are genuinely interested in other people. It's not that people are not nice, but after the initial getting to know each other, something often happens that begins to open up the flow of how the relationship will go, and we might find ourselves feeling a bit swamped by the other person or pushed a bit to the side by their agenda. There's none of that with Pamela, just good intentions and good times, a positive outlook and a creative spirit that is open to sharing ideas and inspiration and making a place at the table for everyone.

Recently I went to an opening of a group show she was a part of, and as I walked across Broome Street which had been my familiar neighborhood for so long that it still feels like home I began to think of all of the people and parties and events I've been to in that area over the years. When I arrived at the space, there were people all around and a DJ playing music that flowed with the people out into the street. It was a beautiful event and a beautiful evening, and Pamela's artwork was the first work I saw as I walked in the door. It made the entrance and caught the eye as Pamela herself does wherever she goes, and brought inspiration and a creative integrity mixed with layers of visual and tactile surprises to the party. Pamela herself is a surprise like that, a beautiful Artist with a beautiful soul to match.

Pamela Lubell
At The Opening Of A Group Show
With Strada
At 329 Broome Street
New York City

With James Hammond


Jannie Susan

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