Sunday, February 23, 2025

An Abundant Life - Living Love

I wrote last week about the decorations at YES Gallery and how the Christmas cheer theme lasted a bit longer than usual and Valentine's Day is keeping its glow through this cold month of February. As I take time to enjoy the beautiful views, I'm adding little touches here and there with things that enhance the decorative holiday scenes.

Last week on my way to the gallery I saw a box on the sidewalk in front of a beautiful neighbor's building that said, "Free", and was filled with all kinds of interesting children's toys, building blocks and tools and gadgets. People leave things often on the sidewalk in this way in the neighborhoods near where I live and where the gallery is,  and I usually take a peek and find something fun or beautiful or useful or all three. This box had a box in it with the name "weaving kit" on it, and when I looked a bit closer I saw that it was a potholder making kit which was something that I had when I was a very young child. I picked it up and brought it to YES Gallery, and when I opened it I saw that the metal base that is used for the weaving was intact and as red as I remembered from my childhood. The rest of the kit was gone, most likely used and finished up, but it didn't matter to me because just the memory began to bring back other memories, and now the kit is sitting under the Valentine's Day tree at the gallery where it can remind me of all of the love and joy from many years ago.

When I was very little my family was very poor. I never really thought of it that way then, but now that I am older I know that we were. I was always dressed in handmedowns, sometimes from my brothers and sometimes things that had been worn so many times by so many different people or given to us by other people that they didn't really fit right. Buying something new was a big expense that rarely happened unless I bought it myself. I started working in real jobs when I was nine to buy the things that I wanted and to have spending money when I went somewhere with friends. I never had an allowance, and the work I did around the house was expected and unpaid. Before I was nine I looked for every opportunity to try to make money, and when I was three and I had my little potholder kit, I made potholders and sold them door to door in the neighborhood for I think 25 cents or maybe two for 25 cents. It's hard to think of that now and to remember what prices were like then, but whatever it was that I sold them for, I always found people who were willing to buy them and I gathered my change together to save up for things I could buy for myself.

One day very near Easter, I was at a store that I think was Zayre's with my Mother and I saw that they had special racks with children's cotton Easter dresses on them. I fell in love with the green and white patterns with images of flowers, and told my mother to that the girls in the family needed Easter dresses. They weren't very expensive if I recall, maybe $1.99 or $3.99, but even at that price they were too expensive for my Mother to think of because they were an extra expense, so I told her that I would pay for them with my own money. It's a hazy memory, but when we got to the cash register somehow I either had enough or the woman behind the register gave them to me for whatever I had, or maybe my Mother decided to chip in after all. Whatever the math was, the dresses were bought because of the money I was making selling potholders door to door, and seeing that potholder maker reminded me of that.

God is always our provider, whether it's when we are small and selling potholders and want new Easter dress, or when we are older and there are other bigger and more pressing needs and wants. I always tell people that God provides for our wants, too, and for more than we need, and sometimes in ways we would never have thought of or thought were possible. As I go through my memories of the times and ways that God has provided, I realize that there was never a time that God didn't. Though sometimes I've worried and felt heartache, there really wasn't ever any need to. Just at the right moment, just when it can truly be seen as a miracle, God shows up and the blessing arrives. It's hard to wait sometimes when we don't understand or see where we're going, but when we can take a deep breath and take in the love that God is always pouring over us, we can find the peace to know that what we need and what we want will arrive on time and be even better than we'd hoped or planned.

A Beautiful Reminder
Of Childhood
And God's Provision And Love
A Potholder Weaving Kit
Arrives Right On Time
At YES Gallery
408 6th Street
Hoboken, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

Sunday, February 16, 2025

An Abundant Life - Lovely Days

I had left the Christmas decorations up at YES Gallery this year much longer than I usually do, and it was the beginning of February when I began to take them down and change into Valentine's Day mode. Usually I have some kind of Birthday celebration in the space itself, but this year I had the beautiful birthday celebrations at Halifax Hoboken and Little Bar that I wrote about over the past few weeks, and somehow the Christmas decorations seemed to be bringing so much joy not only to me but to visitors that I decided to leave them up until after my birthday. When February blew in, I began to take them down and to slowly put up the hearts and pinks and reds for Valentine's Day. I finished a few days before the day itself, and now that they are up I think I may leave them in all their sweetness through most of this often gray month of February. 

Valentine's Day for me is a reminder of all things lovely and sweet and joyful, of the loves of youth and the love of long time family, friends, and life. Hanging hearts and making decorations for the holiday have always brought me so much happiness, and many of the decorations I have are things that I created or found or put together or discovered in some way or another. The red foil hearts and heart shapes that adorn the gallery now were made from beautiful red foil wrapping paper I found last year. They bring such a beauty and glow to the vintage recycled wood tree and the tree branches in the windows, and the holiday lights that I've left up make them shine all the brighter, bringing more loveliness to every day. 

Celebrating Valentine's Day
At YES Gallery
408 6th Street
Hoboken, New Jersey

With Beethoven's Emperor Concerto
Sweetly Playing On My Vintage Stereo


Jannie Susan

Sunday, February 9, 2025

An Abundant Life - Jewelbox Gem

 I've written about Little Bar in Hoboken in these pages before, and the beautiful experiences that are curated there by the marvelous Chef Seadon Shouse, Executive Chef of Halifax Hoboken, and the marvelous owners and staff. On the week of my birthday, two days after I'd had the beautiful blessing of enjoying the new delightful Happy Hour menu and wonderful mixology at Halifax Hoboken on the day of of my birthday, I had the double blessing of being at Little Bar for their new Pizza and Cocktails evening. 
The beautiful Dena McCoy, who I've also written about in these pages before, took a trip across and under two Rivers, the East River and the Hudson River, to visit me from Long Island City in Queens, and she met me at YES Gallery first. We walked over to Little Bar, enjoying the loveliness of a Hoboken winter evening, and found ourselves at Little Bar where it's always so welcoming and precious and the most wonderful place to be. In warmer months it's a cool and inviting space and in winter so cozy, and I had been wanting pizza for a while so hearing that they had a pizza and cocktails evening they were starting as a regular weekly event was just what I had been wishing for and even more because of the place where it was.

Little Bar is one of those places where I could go every afternoon or evening, because everything on their menu is a treat. The wine list, as always with Chef Shouse, is wonderfully curated, and the cocktails have such fun and inventive names that add to the delicious experience of their carefully crafted flavors. Pizza night was such a beautiful experience, and the pizza was outstanding. We tried a mushroom pizza and one with prosciutto and were tempted to try even more, but we decided to leave that for next time as we know we'll want to go back for a visit to the sweet gem of a jewelbox place.

An Evening At Little Bar
For Pizza And Cocktails
With The Gorgeous Dena McCoy

The Marvelous Hector
Crafting A Smoky Chocolate Delight
With Palo Santo

A Very Happy Birthday Celebration
Photograph With So Much Gratitude
To The Gorgeous Dena McCoy 


Jannie Susan

Sunday, February 2, 2025

An Abundant Life - The Happiest Hours

This past week I celebrated my birthday, and I was blessed to have two wonderful places to visit on two different nights, Halifax and Little Bar, both favorites that are connected together in Hoboken through the marvelous Executive Chef Seadon Shouse and the marvelous owners and staff.

I've written about both wonderful places before, so I'll just write a little here about the special evenings I enjoyed during my birthday celebrations. This week I'll share about Halifax and the new Happy Hour menu and I'll share about Little Bar and the wonderful Wednesday pizza and cocktails night that I had the absolute pleasure of enjoying there in a future post.

Halifax as I've written before is one of those places I could go to any time and have the most wonderful experience because of the beauty of the design and the wonderful creations of Executive Chef Season Shouse along with the wonderful cocktails and wine selections, and the wonderful staff, with a combination of talents and gifts and expertise that makes every moment so beautiful and so special.

On the day of my birthday I had been thinking that I wanted to go to Halifax and when I heard they had started a new happy hour with a special menu it was the perfect place to go on my own special day. I started the afternoon at YES Gallery and walked over to Halifax while the light was still in the late afternoon sky, so I was able to watch the view of the Manhattan Skyline from the restaurant as I enjoyed the menu tastes and treats.

Oysters are always my first choice, especially when they are as fresh and wonderful as they are at Halifax. Chef Shouse is such a wonderful Chef that even the sauces with the oysters are special. I usually use very little cocktail sauce with oysters, especially when they are this fresh and excellent, but the cocktail sauce that arrived with these wonders was so delicious I could have eaten it by the spoonful. Afterward I tried the Lamb Meatball Sliders with Smoked Gorgonzola Fondue and Parsley the Mini Fish & Chips, both presented so beautifully and so delicious with such layered flavors and textures that they brought a smile to my already celebrating face. I decided to try the Squash Flatbread with Squash Ricotta, Mozzarella, Pancetta, Arugula and Pickled Squash, a delightful and lovely way to end my evening's choices. For cocktails I tried the Boulevardeiro, the Kingfisher Manhattan and a Once In A Dream, all beautifully presented and layered with flavors of smooth goodness. For the sparkling part of my birthday as anyone who knows me knows is always a first choice, I tried the happy hour special of Veuve du Vernay which was wonderful, along with my regular favorite at Halifax, Benjamin Bridge.

Being able to celebrate this special day in this special place was truly a gift and blessing, and one that reminded me again of how beautiful life can be when there are such wonderfully talented and gifted Chefs like the marvelous Executive Chef Seadon Shouse and such wonderful owners and staff as those at Halifax Hoboken. Such happy hours as these are make every day more beautiful.

A Happy Hour
Birthday Celebration
At Halifax Hoboken
With So Much Gratitude
To The Marvelous
Executive Chef Seadon Shouse
And The Marvelous Owners And Staff


Jannie Susan