Sunday, May 10, 2020

An Abundant Life - Bravery

The first time I saw the inspirational t-shirts that Elizabeth Sites creates under the label declan I was in Bryant Park after brunch during the winter holiday season, taking a stroll around the shops with a friend who was in town who wanted to look at the different artisanal products on display. That particular market is always an excellent one, and as my friend and I turned a corner I saw someone I knew in the crowd and said hello. It was James Hammond, and it turned out that his girlfriend, the lovely Producer Pamela Lubell, who is also a friend, was helping her friend Elizabeth Sites with her booth, and so he took me over to see Pamela and that is the first time I saw the inspirational t-shirts Elizabeth Sites is creating.

That day Pamela told me a bit about Elizabeth and about Declan, Elizabeth's son who the label is named after, and she also told me about the t-shirts themselves and how Elizabeth created the brand because she wanted to bring a sense of love and joy and positive energy into the world and to be able to make a positive impact. There is something so beautiful about the t-shirts and hoodies she's creating, and something that is so powerfully positive. They are all hand crafted and made locally, and whenever possible she is hiring people to do the sewing who can benefit the most from having the income the work provides.

I had been planning on writing about Elizabeth last winter, but time was rushing by and I hadn't found a chance to do it yet. And then one day recently I received a gift package in the mail from Pamela, and there was a declan t-shirt in it. The shirt said "Be Brave", something that along with the fact that it arrived so unexpectedly made me cry. This time we are living in right now is not an easy one, and though I am really fine in every way, I'm not always feeling so brave. But after I had my little cry, I tried on my t-shirt and suddenly I was smiling, and I took my first selfie ever because I wanted to show Pamela and Elizabeth how much I loved wearing the tee.

Declan the brand was started by Elizabeth and named after her son Declan who after a traumatic birth was diagnosed with multiple severe disabilities. But in her descriptions of Declan, it is the beauty of Declan's life and the wonder and joy of her experience of life with Declan that are put into focus. She describes in "Our Story" on the website that "His love of life, regardless of his special condition, is a constant reminder that there is a colorful thread that weaves us all together. The need to love and to be loved." The mission of the brand "is to recognize and embrace the unique strengths of those with disabilities. By supporting and encouraging not only them, but their caregivers, we give them an opportunity to not only to be relevant and contribute, but to make an impact in the world." In addition to designing and creating these beautifully inspiring and encouraging wearable messages, Elizabeth is developing a friendship box that will include other artisanal gifts by other makers whose products she admires and believes in the quality and messages of. Within the box will also be a special message from Declan with a palm print of his hand and the encouragement to touch and hold his hand when we need to feel the reassurance a friend can give. Declan also gives support to Charities including Autism Society, Special Olympics, and Guide Dogs For The Blind. In a very powerful way, the very message of the brand gives a voice to Declan himself, asking the question and helping us find the answer to "How will you create and define your time on earth?"

Elizabeth and I had a conversation this past week, and it was a lovely one. There are times when you meet people at times in your life when you need to know that you're on the right track, and somehow that was what happened. I don't know where I'm going sometimes these days, but wherever that is somehow in our conversation I felt less alone. A burden shared is a burden halved as the saying goes, and when we find a way to connect with each other we can find our way to keep going. In a way I think that's what bravery is after all, when we feel less alone and we can keep moving forward in spite of the doubts and fears and uncertainty. When we can keep moving through we find we can make it and that the journey is a better one with a friend.


Photographs Courtesy Of Elizabeth Sites

A First Selfie At Home
Inspired By A Gift Of Friendship

In Bryant Park
At The Holiday Market


Jannie Susan

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