Sunday, November 8, 2020

An Abundant Life - Tastemaker

 The first time I met Joel Liscio I discovered that he was an excellent Mixologist, and as I sat and spoke with him while I was enjoying the creation he had made with Misunderstood Whiskey, I learned that he was also a Sommelier and an Artist. Because I enjoy putting together events with Artists that involved wine and delicious food, I kept in touch with Joel and followed up with him regularly about ideas for ways we could work together to plan events show his work. I introduced him to people and he introduced me to people, and when I was planning an Art Event at the Antique Loft in November of 2018 I made sure to include him in the group of three Artists whose work I was bringing together and curating in that very special space.

Joel's work is excellent and he is reliable. He's often juggling many things, and he keeps them all together and moving forward with the focus they need to be successful. Recently when I began discussing ideas with him for the Love & Plenty project I've been developing to help restaurants get funding to provide meals for people in need, we began planning a wine tasting and pairing and an Art show at Antique Bar & Bakery and The Antique Loft. The first wine pairing and tasting was on September 24 at Antique Bar & Bakery, and it was a truly beautiful afternoon. Joel and I had between us filled the limited capacity seating before it had been publicly announced or advertised, and it was such a refreshing experience to work with someone who did what he said he would do and could be counted on to create a wonderful experience with the part of the afternoon that was his responsibility. He brought his lovely Assistant Doris along and though I did need to focus on taking photographs and speak to the guests at times, overall I was able to just sit back and enjoy the experience. I highly respect Chef Paul Gerard and his Partners and staff at Antique Bar & Bakery, and when I bring people into their restaurant I want to make sure that they are adding value and understanding the quality of respect that these professionals deserve. Joel's work before, during and after the event was excellent, and because of his professionalism and respect and high level of work, we are now able to plan another event.

Joel currently has his artwork on the labels for two wines, Rife which is a red wine and a white wine that is a Riesling and that Joel describes as being closer to an Orange wine. The labels are lovely and the wines are from an excellent vineyard. Though I haven't tried the red, I've heard it's excellent and the white has such a wonderful look to it, with its bottle seeming almost like something handmade like the art that adorns its label.

It's a rare person who can fit into multiple worlds and excel in them all. In addition to being all of the wonderful things I've already described, Joel is also an excellent father who takes care of his family and takes responsibility for their well being. In the world of social media we hear about tastemakers all the time, but it's a very special kind of person who has good taste and style and who makes the effort to excel in the things he does, and to share his knowledge and skills with others.

Joel Liscio
At 313 Gallery
In Jersey City


Jannie Susan

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