Sunday, August 21, 2022

An Abundant Life - A New Season

I've been so busy with preparing the gallery for the opening that I realized that today is Sunday and I didn't have a chance to post anything yet. This experience of the gallery is as an Artist friend described exciting and exhausting. I find myself waking up at all hours trying to figure out the answer to what goes where and when things will get done, and ultimately realizing that everything will find a place and everything will get done that needs to be done. As I looked out the doorway at the afternoon glow yesterday I was overcome by the realization that the space where I had tried to create an art space years ago was geographically a mirror of where I am now. It's hard to describe it, but somehow that made me feel not only that I was in the right place but also that everything now is moving forward in the right way.

As I began to finish up the curating this past week, a beautiful Designer friend who has been sharing set pieces with me offered an old piece of wood that had been a door. The wonderful Artist friend who was helping me hang and curate the work in the gallery thought I was going a bit too far when I brought that in, but somehow I knew it had to be there and I knew where it had to be. I started thinking about what piece could go on it because it seemed as if it needed something to complete it, and then I remembered a piece that I had started last year that has been waiting patiently to be finished. "As An Orchid After A Long Winter My Roots No Longer Dormant I Begin To Blissfully Flower" is a poem fragment I wrote many years ago, and last year when a beautiful Artist I know had asked me to begin thinking about pieces for a new book she wanted to put together I began to create a collage piece using those words. When I looked it over to finish it I realized that it was nearly done, and so I put in the final touches and now it will hang in the gallery on that piece of old wood. It will not be for sale, it is too personal a piece for me, but it will serve as a reminder of the continuum of time and that everything has a right time and a right place to be.

Finding New Life
At YES Gallery
408 6th Street
Hoboken, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

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