Sunday, June 9, 2024

An Abundant Life - Visiting Artists

A few weeks ago I had the beautiful opportunity to go to an art opening for the show "12 In 24" at the Down Town Association that was curated by The Woodward Gallery. I had met the owners of the gallery a number of years ago when a long time friend, the marvelous Artist Tommy Flynn who I've written about in these pages before, had invited me to a show at the Down Town Association curated by the Woodward Gallery that he was a part of. I wrote about that wonderful experience at that time, and I had been looking forward to many more, but then the world as we know it changed in an instant, and when they began to have shows there again my own schedule made it difficult to attend.

When I received the invitation to this new show opening, I made a plan to be there although my schedule was very full with events for Design Week. It had been such a long time since I had been able to attend one of the wonderful art opening events that the Woodward Gallery hosts at the Down Town Association, and I wanted to visit and share some time with them and the beautiful art and the beautiful Artists from their gallery in this beautiful space.

This show had a combination of a variety of Artists and work from some of the history of the gallery. It was a beautiful experience to see the work in that space and to have a chance to reconnect with the owners of the gallery and some of the Artists again. I took a video at the beginning of the evening before it began to get crowded, and at the very end there is a moment when a child arrives and is running into the room I'm in just as I'm walking towards the door. There's such a lovely expression of joy and excitement in being in this space and seeing the art all around, and it reminded me of how wonderful it is to be surrounded by beautiful art and beautiful Artists in every day life. Visiting with Artists and having regular experiences of being in spaces filled with their work is something that brings such joy and beauty to life.

The Woodward Gallery
At The Down Town Association
"12 In 24"
60 Pine Street
New York City


Jannie Susan

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