Sunday, August 4, 2024

An Abundant Life - The Art Of Music

About two weeks ago or a little more I was at my local supermarket and I saw someone I know who I hadn't seen in a while. Her name is Karina and she is a wonderful singer and performer, and she told me that she was now the Entertainment Director at Saku, a restaurant in Hoboken that I have written about in these pages before and that I always enjoy visiting. She said she would be at Saku that coming Sunday, and so I put the date with her name in my calendar and made a point to be there.

For some reason in our conversation at the supermarket I hadn't realized she'd be singing on that Sunday, perhaps because we were talking quickly as we were both at the end of the day, trying to find our food items and get on our way home. Whatever the reason I had just thought that she'd be there and someone else would be performing, but when I walked in and asked if she was there, the very nice young man at the front entrance told me she was singing in the next room. I was very happy to hear that because I always enjoy her performances, and that night she was singing with Dave, a singer and guitarist who I've heard at other performances of hers in the past when they were with a band. They're both so enjoyable to listen to and they sing and perform so well together that it was truly a fun and entertaining evening and such a beautiful blessing to be in that lovely restaurant that always has such wonderful service, enjoying great food and mixology and listening to wonderful live music.

The following Wednesday evening Karina told me that she and Dave would be at Farside Tavern in Hoboken for Open Mic night. I'd never been there but had always heard about it and seen it as I walked by, and so I added that to my calendar and planned to be there. That evening also was a wonderful one, and in addition to the cover songs that Karina and Dave perform as part of their set list, they sang some originals that they'd written.

The name they've given themselves is "Good Vibes Only" and I have to say it suits them. There's joy and fun and beauty in what they're bringing to the public in these venues with their music and their performance and presence, and it's an art form that for me is always so meaningful. Music and performance, singing and playing wonderful guitar is something that goes back in my own life for as long as I can remember. My brother was a singer and guitarist who played in bands but also sang and played all the time at home, I have been singing and playing something, sometimes guitar though not as well as Dave does and sometimes just singing with other bands and performers, my whole life. Listening to music, going to concerts, singing, making music and performing are such important parts of my consciousness and my world, and having the opportunity to enjoy the music and performance, the voices and guitar playing of Karina and Dave is really such a wonderful experience and only good vibes.

Karina and Dave
Good Vibes Only
At Saku
936 Park Avenue
Hoboken, New Jersey

And At Farside Tavern
531 Washington Street
Hoboken, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

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