Sunday, April 4, 2021

An Abundant Life - Light In The Darkness

I've written about the beautiful Artist Sandra DeSando in the pages before, and when I heard she was having a solo show and began to read about it, I knew I needed to write more about her and this new project and the extraordinary work she does. Originally she had planned to have some earlier pieces be a part of this show, but then as she began to work on the concept of the installation she decided to create work that was completely new. Titled "Puzzlement", this new show contains work that is a reflection of her experiences during this past year, the emotional shock and fear and trauma of what was happening in the world around her seen through the lens of an Artist who was trying to make sense of it all as life unfolded and the world as we knew it was suddenly collapsing all around us.

The pieces in this new show are powerful as her work always is. Multi-paneled paintings that work together beautifully while standing apart and at a distance to tell their stories, much as we have all felt and maintained a distance from so many of the people in our lives who we at one time would have found ourselves in close proximity to. These piece are her exploration of her own experiences, and they also reflect the elements of the natural world and philosophical musings and questions that are part of the Artists consciousness.

Sandra DeSando's work is always extraordinarily beautiful, with motion and lines and colors that emerge from her own understanding of the space on the canvas and how it speaks to and through her. This solo show is a part of the outreach of her own unique creative expression and the contemplation of larger world themes as well as more personal ones. It's inspiring to see this work and to read about the emotions and questions and inner musings that arose during the dark and confusing days of this past year and the way that the Artist's vision has brought this work into the light.

Sandra DeSando
At Dvora Gallery
A Pop Up Exhibition
From The Drawing Rooms
Victory Hall
The Oakman Residences
60 First Street
Jersey City, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

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