Sunday, July 28, 2024

An Abundant Life - Community Celebrations And Community Building

This past week the Feast of St. Ann's began in Hoboken, and on Friday, the day of the procession, I was at YES Gallery. I had heard from the marvelous Monte San Giacomo members only club around the corner that they would be offering roast beef sandwiches with hot peppers for anyone who wanted to join them that day, and I made sure to stop by because it's such a special place and a special time and roast beef with hot peppers is a favorite. 

I'd just finished my sandwich at YES Gallery when I heard the faint sound of drums and a marching band, and so I began taking a video thinking that the procession would go by the gallery. They went around the corner to the left first and then came around again on the street below, so I didn't see them but I could hear them beautifully. After taking some time in front of the club, the procession continued on to the church and the festival area. There was something that was so joyful about seeing and hearing this happening on a beautiful summer day, and I found myself feeling so happy and energized with the feeling of community that this event brought together.

 On Saturday afternoon I received a message from one of my dearest friends, the Reverend Maria Isabel Santiviago, who is now retired, that she would be one of the women honored in a celebration at St. Ann's Church For The Deaf in Manhattan for Women In Ministry. St. Ann's Church For the Deaf is the church where we met in 2009 when I first began teaching Nutrition and Health Classes with Cornell University Cooperative Extension in New York City as part of a program called "Making The Most Of Food" which was the expanded version of a pilot program I'd participated in the year before named "Kitchens Of Faith." She asked me if I'd be willing to teach to the Deaf Community if she translated and I said yes, and then we went on from there to collaborate together and teach several workshop series. It was the first time that anyone from Cooperative Extension in New York had taught that community in the 40 year history of the nutrition and health program, and we were highlighted at of of the conferences and in a newsletter for the work that we did together. It was so much work but it was made so beautiful by the people involved and this beautiful Reverend, Maria.

When I heard that she would be honored at the celebration I made plans to go because I'd been wanting to see her for a while and this would be a beautiful way to share time together. I'll be writing more about that in future posts, but for now, I'll post about the St. Ann's Festival in Hoboken with some photographs and videos from the lovely people and celebrations that happened during those days when I was blessed to be at YES Gallery and enjoy the community celebration and hospitality.

A Wonderful Roast Beef Sandwich
With Hot Peppers
Enjoyed At YES Gallery
With So Much Gratitude
To The Monte San Giacomo Club Members
For Their Community Hospitality

The Faint Sound Of Drums
And A Marching Band

Rounding The Corner
With The Full Procession

Continuing On Their Way
To The Church And Festival

The Feast Of St. Ann's Festival
Hoboken, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

Sunday, July 21, 2024

An Abundant Life - A Musical YES

Last week I wrote about the marvelous Visionary Module and how he helped encourage me to plan an event at YES Gallery on July 14. It really was such a beautiful afternoon and evening, and I'm so grateful that he followed up with me to plan this event that I called the Summer Celebration.

As always, his music and performance made the afternoon such a beautiful and multi-faceted and enjoyable one, as he played guitar and sang b both covers and new material he's written. It's such a beautiful blessing to have such a wonderful musician, singer and songwriter perform at YES Gallery and I have so much gratitude to Jack for helping to make the evenings such a very beautiful and very special one! 

With Jack
After His Performance
At YES Gallery
408 6th Street
Hoboken, New Jersey
With So Much Gratitude
To Jack For A Stellar Performance
And To Fred Watson For The 
Photographs And Collage
He Created 


Jannie Susan

Sunday, July 14, 2024

An Abundant Life - Summer Celebration

A few weeks ago I saw one of the musicians who has performed at YES Gallery in the past at an art opening event for at the Hoboken Historical Museum for Jeremy Roche, one of the Artists who has work at YES Gallery. His name is Jack, but he performs under the name of Visionary Module, and he had not only done some wonderful solo performances at events, but he also performed with different variations of his always stellar band at different times and put together a truly wonderful afternoon and evening of four different bands and performers last fall during the Hoboken Artists Studio Tour. He'd been too busy since then to perform, but when I saw him at the Hoboken Historical Museum he said that he felt like he would have some time in the next few months and that he had some new music he wanted to try out. I've been so busy myself with so many things, and sometimes things that come up unexpectedly or that I have very little planning time for, that the last two months I haven't had a chance to schedule an event. When I first opened the gallery I planned to have regular events, and ever since then I've had something every month, but with everything else going on I wasn't sure when I'd have a chance to schedule anything again until Jack told me he had some new music he wanted to try out and I responded that if he had time I'd make time to schedule an event.

When I next heard from Jack he was following up from our conversation, and he said he was available to do something in July and that he'd been practicing his new music. That was just the kind of message that I needed to get me looking at my calendar, and I sent a message back that I thought Sunday, July 14 in the late afternoon and early evening could work if that worked for him. He responded that it did and so the date was set.

July 14 is my Mother's birthday, and it is the anniversary of the day when I said my definitive YES to the person whose space is where the gallery is, to say that yes, I would do this thing called a gallery and take a plunge and a chance that I didn't know what would happen with. It feels so good and so right to be celebrating on that day, and to have Jack playing his new music in the space is a gift. I'll have more photographs and videos after Sunday, but for now, here's a wonderful photograph by Jeremy Roche that I took a screen shot of when it was part of his Artist Talk at the Hoboken Historical Museum, from the afternoon that Jack put together last fall during the Hoboken Artists Studio Tour, and I'm also including the invitation that has a photograph of my own of some gorgeous flowers, roses from a neighbor's front area that they let me cut at the height of their blooming. YES Gallery is always so full of beautiful people sharing their beautiful gifts, and these photographs show a taste of all the goodness and blessings that are shared.

YES Gallery
Summer Celebration Invitation

YES Gallery
During The Hoboken Artists Studio Tour
Photograph By Jeremy Roche
Screenshot From His Artist Talk
Online At The Hoboken Historical Museum


Jannie Susan

Sunday, July 7, 2024

An Abundant Life - A Very Happy Fourth of July

This week I wanted to take a moment to give a big thank you to Macy's for the Fireworks on the Fourth of July. When I lived in Manhattan I watched the fireworks every year, sometimes from the comfort of my own home or rooftop, sometimes with friends, and sometimes I'd have to walk across town when I was living on the West Side and they weren't on the Hudson River. The first few years I lived in the neighborhood where I am now, I could see them from across the River because they were on the Hudson for quite a while. Then all of a sudden the decision was made to move them to the East River, and because I didn't want to deal with traveling on such a difficult day to travel, I tried to watch them from different places in Jersey City to see if it was possible to see anything. Then a beautiful thing happened, and Jersey City decided to have a big celebration on the Fourth of July with its own fireworks capping off the evening. I didn't know what to expect, but I went to the area where I thought I might be able to see them the best, and with God's leading I found a really beautiful viewing spot and it was a really wonderful experience. That became my regular routine for a number of years, and it was a lovely one.

This year, when I heard that the fireworks would be back on the Hudson River, I was very excited because it made it very easy for me to be at YES Gallery during the day to enjoy that space and visit with people who stopped by, and to do some things that I needed and wanted to do there and then walk over to the Hoboken Waterfront to watch the display. I had heard from friends in other areas that the news was saying that there would be tens of thousands of people expected in Hoboken and that public transportation was adding on extra trains and vehicles to get people there. I had heard that the celebration would be starting at 8pm, and though I knew that would be a kind of a pre-show across the River and that we wouldn't see any fireworks from across the River until sometime after 9pm when it was dark enough, I decided to walk over with the 8pm time in mind just to make sure I could find a good spot for viewing. 

There were so many people, some who had been there for hours picnicking and sitting on blankets, and it reminded me of years ago with my own Mother and Father and how we would make a party of it with a cooler and food and our trusty blanket we only usually otherwise used at the beach. I remember those times as being such happy times, and when I arrived at the Hoboken Waterfront and saw all the families there on their blankets with their picnics it was such a wonderful bringing together of those days and places long ago and the beautiful day and place of today.

The fireworks were spectacular this year. I don't know if it's just because I was so happy that they were back on the Hudson River, but it seemed like they were extra special. I'll share a few videos here to give you a glimpse, but they really were so gorgeous that these glimpses only give a small idea of the way that they made me smile from ear to ear as I watched them, remembering that this very special experience was possible because of where I live now and the life I have that I am so very grateful for.

A Very Happy Fourth of July
On The Waterfront
In Hoboken, New Jersey
With So Much Gratitude to Macy's
For This Gorgeous Display!

Waiting For The Fireworks To Begin


Jannie Susan