Sunday, September 29, 2024

An Abundant Life - Beautiful Launch

I've written about the restaurant Halifax in Hoboken in these pages before, and also the wonderful Chef Seadon Shouse who is the Executive Chef. Every time I visit is such a beautiful experience, and everything and everyone there is always so excellent, kind, warm, friendly and all of the things that make a true hospitality experience a special one.

When there are special events at Halifax, I always like to try to go, and when I heard about the launch of Kingfisher Vol. II, I knew it would be a wonderful evening. I had gone to the launch of the first Kingfisher, a collaboration with Maker's Mark, and the evening was truly memorable. The first Kingfisher launch was later in the year and it was a bit cooler than it is now, and so this time in a way seemed like a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of autumn with the promise of the cooler weather to come while still having warmer weather to enjoy.

As always, the event was truly beautiful and everything was a delight. They had a special bottle engraver and also hand made cigar rolling along with the wonderful food and specialty cocktails. Each hors d'oeuvres was so special and they all wove together to make such a flavor filled extravagant experience that I am still dreaming about it. The promotional team from Maker's Mark had some very fun and really special gift giveaways, and I was lucky enough to have one of the team members take my photograph so I could post the memory of that really beautiful blessing of an evening.

It's with so much gratitude that I write this blog post, for the team from Maker's Mark and the team at Halifax and all the staff there who always make me feel so welcome. The Artist I had invited to join me that evening said that it was exquisite and I agree with him completely. There is an art to hospitality as there is to culinary art, and Chef Shouse and all the staff at Halifax are truly wonderful Artists in all they do to make every moment so beautiful and so special.

Kingfisher Vol. II Private Selection Event
A Collaboration With Maker's Mark
At Halifax
  225 River Street
Hoboken, New Jersey
Photograph With So Much Gratitude
To The Gorgeous Leona


Jannie Susan

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