Sunday, October 6, 2024

An Abundant Life - Art Month

Yesterday was the anniversary of the day that I was baptized after I was born again. When I woke up in the morning it was early and the sunlight was so beautiful I had to take a photograph of it. As I've written in these pages before, it's a funny thing for me to look at my life now, in comparison to what it was, and it's been eighteen years filled with so many changes and so many things happening that I feel as if sometimes not only am I a different person, but that I've lived several lives. In a way my life has become completely new, but in another way I've been going through such a deep healing process that I'm being reminded of who I was and who I was always meant to be.

Twenty-one years ago I had the idea that I would start an art and community center, and I went into partnership with someone to do that. As I've written before at different times, the other person was not the right person to do that with in any way and two years after that time I went through a dark night of the soul and God reached into my life and I was born again. That's a big story that I've written about before, and I may write more about it again, but today I want to write about the fact that in 2022 I opened an Art Gallery and community space called YES Gallery and that is where I spent my afternoon on the beautiful day of the anniversary of when I was baptized. 

It's art month in Hoboken, and I took a photograph of the outside of the gallery to post and share with people and to recognize the people who help put this beautiful time of art and celebration together. The Hoboken Department of Cultural Affairs, the Hoboken Business Alliance and Main Street Pops do so much for the community, and by putting this month of celebration together with so many people and businesses and Artists it's creating a feeling of art and creativity throughout the city. There will be more to come with news of events and later this month there's a very special group that has asked to have a very special gathering at the gallery. If you had told me in October of 2004 that I'd be writing this now in October of 2024, it wouldn't have seemed possible. But that's why it's so amazing to share this, because the vision was there all those years ago and even though I was stumbling around I'm the darkness and didn't see my way clearly, God brought it to pass, step by step and inch by inch, row by row as the lovely Pete Seeger song tells us, the garden grows.

YES Gallery
Celebrating Hoboken Art Month
408 6th Street
Hoboken, New Jersey


Jannie Susan

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