Saturday, April 6, 2013

God on a Goldfish

I just read a story on the internet - it could sound silly or be encouraging, it all depends on how someone writes or tells the story. The person writing it was trying to be careful not to make it sound silly, but it was a news story meant to attract many different readers, and there was a side to it that made it sound like  it could be silly. In reading it, I could see how it could have been written differently to really encourage people. The story is that a woman in Florida found some markings on a goldfish cracker, and she feels that this is a confirmation of her faith in Christ. There was a picture of the cracker, and the markings are really there - a cross with circle around it towards the middle, and a crown on the top (or head) of the goldfish. The story said that the woman had called the manufacturer of the goldfish crackers to see if this was something that was a special promotion they were doing, and the person she spoke to said there is no way that this could have happened and they didn't know how it had happened. The other part of the story is that this is a woman who loves eating goldfish crackers. She doesn't just eat them sometimes or eat a few of them, she eats them every day and eats them individually, examining each one because she likes the coating on them and she looks for the ones with the most coating. I was born again in 2005, and since that time, it has been my experience that God will use whatever He can to speak to us - this woman loves goldfish, and eats them very carefully looking at each one, so He used a goldfish to speak to her because He knew she would tell other people about it, and even if it gets into the news as a silly sounding story, it is a way for God to be in the news with a message that He is still speaking to us all all the time, even through something like a goldfish. Since I was born again, I have been thinking that I need to write about God for people who don't know Him. It took many years of my own stumbling around in the darkness before I was born again, and when I think of the positive ways that my life has changed since then I know that the message I have to share about who God is and what He has done in my own life could help other people. I was a writer before I was born again, and I have been thinking since that time that I need to write about my experiences, but I also have felt that it needs to be something that is more than just a book - because people don't always take the time to read a book - but something like a blog that is short that they can read every day or whenever they want to or whenever they stumble on it could really help more people to find out more about God for their own lives. I'll be writing as often as I can. Feel free to ask questions. There's so much for us all to discover every day, so my answers will always be from my own experience, and if you have questions that are more technical or theological and I can't answer them, I'll try to give resources where you can find out more.


Jannie Susan

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